
Tips To Crack CLAT: Know the Strategy and Section Wise Tips

Tips To Crack CLAT: Know the Strategy and Section Wise Tips

The best way to start off any project is to understand the past mechanism. The same is the formula to crack CLAT. Familiarize yourself with the past CLAT trends, so it’s easier to know how it’s done and where you should start. Make sure you know the syllabus and the structure like the back of your hand to crack CLAT. Go through the previous years’ question papers. Solving the past question papers aid in fueling the preparation because not only does it enable clarity but also covers the practice sessions. All these will help you to crack CLAT very smoothly.

Top 3 Tips to Crack CLAT 

To crack CLAT join institute for classroom experience:

While there are many ‘how to crack CLAT without coaching’ articles going around, please remember that the suggestion of enrolling oneself into a reputed and reliable institute is a choice. If you’re someone who believes that you perform better under professional guidance, don’t hesitate to sign up. A good coaching center doesn’t mean the pressure will be gone, but it helps you balance the pressure thereby leading to a calmer and strategized learning.

To crack CLAT Practice and Practice:

The preparation actually escalates with practice. The simplicity of logic here is, the more you practice the more equipped you will be for the exam. Time your test practices, this way you will be able to analyze your time-run as well. When it comes to practicing the mathematics section, keep a strong focus on accuracy. The key tip is to always use short-cuts whenever possible. Apply basic formulas like profit/ loss/ % to save time and have the question solved quicker.

To crack CLAT Stay updated with current affairs and General knowledge:

This is probably the most advised for exams involving competition, that is, ‘Be updated with current affairs’. Because CLAT has a section of general knowledge and current affairs, you want to make sure you cover these two areas. General Awareness is an ocean of information which is almost impossible to know every fact by heart. The trick here is to tackles the sections which are most likely to come. And, this can be done by going through the previous years’ question paper and get an idea on the areas focused for the GK questions.

Sections wise Tips to crack CLAT

Tips to crack CLAT Legal Aptitude Section

For the legal aptitude section of CLAT , take note that you will not be tested on any prior knowledge of law or legal concepts. If a technical or legal term appears in the question, that term will be explained in the question itself. The questions will be designed to test your ‘legal aptitude’.
If you are good at logical reasoning, you will perform well here. Try getting your hands on the previous years’ question papers. Questions get repeated from this section quite often with little or no changes.

Tips to crack CLAT English section

This will test aptitude in comprehension passages and grammar. In the comprehension section, you will be questioned on your understanding of the passage and its central theme, meanings of words used in the passage. The grammar section will carry questions on rectification of incorrect sentences, filling in blanks with suitable words.
If you had started preparing for CLAT after the board exams, you are not likely to have much time for vocabulary. Focus on what problems you face in the English section while taking CLAT mock tests. Identify your grey areas and improve them in the last three weeks. You can look at the high-frequency words (coaching institute provides such lists) if you do wish to increase word power.

Tips to crack CLAT Current Affairs

The GK section of CLAT will test your knowledge of current affairs. This is one of the highly scoring sections of CLAT. Be prepared for this section. Reading the newspapers regularly, keeping a tab on vital matters highlighted by the media in the last year would have been sufficient preparation to handle this section. If you have not been doing so, follow some last-minute tips to ramp up your score in this section.

Tips to crack CLAT Mathematical Ability Section

This section will test candidates only on “elementary” mathematics. It is pertinent to understand the fundamentals of the various topics of standard X level. To enhance your speed, one needs to attempt more practice exercises from various material. Anyhow, there are a lot of us who have a fear of mathematics since like forever. It is important to know that Mathematics is just a small part of the entire paper, so a few questions can be skipped.

Tips to crack CLAT Logical Reasoning section

The logical reasoning section of CLAT will assess your ability to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. The kind of questions asked will be from a wide array of logical reasoning questions like syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies. There are two types of questions in this section – logical, both verbal/critical and analytical. Analytical questions need tremendous practice before you can be comfortable. The logical questions are not difficult to tackle if you have the basic logical sense. With a little bit of practice, it can be improved a lot.

Keep motivating yourself and don’t forget to keep taking online mocks amidst all the preparation hustle. Good luck for CLAT 2024!

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