
Tips to Manage Board And CLAT Preparation 2025 And Things To Avoid

Tips to Manage Board And CLAT Preparation 2025 And Things To Avoid

Tips to Manage Board And CLAT Preparation 2025: 12th Boards exam and CLAT are both important for a student. The most common dilemma for a student is what are the tips to manage boards and CLAT preparation 2025? And the answer to this question is to have a good strategy to well versed with the syllabus and method of preparation.

Many student don’t realise the importance of the question: what are the tips to manage boards and CLAT preparation 2025? and end up scoring less in either of the exam or sometimes both which brings us to another question which is about CLAT preparation 2025 and when to start studying for CLAT. The simple answer to this question is as early as possible.

You need to have a clear mind because managing CLAT and Boards is not going to be easy and might be stressful at times.

Keep reading this article to know more about Tips to Manage Board And CLAT Preparation 2025 and strategies

Board And CLAT Preparation 2025

Board and CLAT Preparation 2025

Board and CLAT Preparation 2025 side by side is a very tricky situation and students should make sure they avoid mistakes related to the preparations of both the exam because both board and CLAT are very important examinations from a student point of view. But it is not impossible to do Board and CLAT Preparation 2025 together as we all know that the word “impossible” itself says, ‘I-am-possible’.

CLAT – Common law admission test seems to be a very difficult entrance to crack for many. One should really be aware of mistakes before CLAT exam to avoid. There are few common things to keep in mind and you’re sorted. With lots of students appearing for this exam, the competition is huge and one tiny mistake can prove to be fatal. Avoiding some basic mistakes could up your score. As we all how difficult it is to get a seat in an NLU and even a single mark makes a huge difference.

5 Tips to Manage Board And CLAT Preparation 2025

Board And CLAT Preparation 2025 hand in hand can get a bit overwhelming for many students. The aim of every students is to score well in CLAT and get into top NLU. But the first step is to score well in board examination so that the students can meet and fulfil the eligibility criteria for CLAT 2025. Board And CLAT Preparation 2025 is not easy to crack.

Mentioned below are top 5 Tips to Manage Board And CLAT Preparation 2025

Strategy: You need to device your own strategy for CLAT study plan because you know yourself well, your weakness and your strengths and therefore you can make a plan which suits you the best. Expecting other to make a strategy for you or following someone else’s strategy can sometimes land you in trouble because each individual is different, everyone has different set of qualities. Some might find Legal Aptitude easy and some might find Logical Reasoning easy. Therefore, it is best to follow your own strategy.

Timing: Ideal time for preparation of for CLAT is 10 months. Ideally, you should start preparing from. Shift your concentration on the board exam from CLAT 2-3 months prior of the exam. You can put 2-3 hours for CLAT during that period and manage both of them. Post the board examination one can focus on CLAT. This will solve majority of the how to study for CLAT question.

Revision: You should keep enough time in your hand to revise because revision is the key for CLAT. In last two months you should focus on mock test and revision. Don’t forget for CLAT every hour counts. If you are determined to pursue career in Law you can even start studying from 11th grade it will give you advantage over others in CLAT. This tip will help you to identify you capabilities and answer, how to study for CLAT

Planning your schedule: The best answer to how to study for CLAT is to plan your study schedule a day prior for CLAT. Achieve your daily targets and if you are unable to achieve try to complete on next day. Make sure it starts with reading newspaper as most of the students read it after studies or before sleep. Reading newspaper is a must for CLAT. Try to study more during weekends, it will make a huge difference in your score for CLAT

Be Focused: You need to be focussed to crack CLAT. CLAT is a demanding examination. You need thorough preparation to score well. GK section is the tricky one in CLAT and therefore you need to prepare for GK throughout the year. GK section of CLAT can be a game changer. According to some toppers you need to dedicate 80 % of your time for GK as it requires consistent efforts from students. In early days of your 12th spend 65 percent of your time for preparation of CLAT and later 35 percent time on 12th board later do spend 65 percent of time for boards and remaining for CLAT.

Things To Avoid To Manage Boards And CLAT Preparation 2025

Students should be clear about things to avoid to manage boards and clat preparation 2025. By avoiding certain mistakes, students can improve their preparation strategy and do better in both exams. Let’s look at things to avoid to manage boards and clat preparation 2025

Here is a list of Things To Avoid To Manage Boards And CLAT Preparation 2025

Avoiding GK Section: One of the most common mistakes before CLAT exam is overlooking the GK section. Current Affairs and GK is that section of your CLAT syllabus for which no syllabus is defined. And therefore many students try to avoid it or prepare less for it and allocate less number of hours comparatively than other section. But, this is a huge mistake.

Although we understand that under Current Affairs sections anything under the sun can be asked but this section is also the major difference between a topper and an average student.  You should continue reading at least three English Newspapers a day. This will help in a number of way including Improving Vocabulary for English Section and Facts for Current Affairs Section and legal section.

Not giving Mock test: 2nd in the list of mistakes before CLAT exam to avoid is Mock test. They are important for the preparation. It helps in analyzing your performance. Do not attempt mock test, if you are not prepared. This will waste your time as well as your precious mock. Give your mock sincerely, Analyze them, work on your mistakes and make sure you don’t repeat them Mock Test also gives you the confidence of actually appearing for the Final Online Test as mock tests are based on the pattern of the actual CLAT Paper.

One of the biggest advantage of a mock test is, it will help you in time management. You can also divide your time according to the sections or number of questions and see how well you perform and revamp your strategy accordingly.

Prepare Revision Plan: Not ready with a revision plan is one of the mistakes before CLAT exam you should avoid. Before starting your Revision, Prepare Daily subject wise Schedule. Daily Time-Table provides you with the exact time to be devoted for a particular section of your Syllabus. This will help you devoting proper time for various sections of the syllabus so as to cover the whole syllabus. Give more time to the sections or the topics you are not very well versed with. Make sure you follow the plan diligently because just making the plan and not following it will waste more of your time.

Solve CLAT Sample Papers: Not solving CLAT Sample papers is one of the major mistakes before CLAT exam to avoid. Once you are done with your revision, start solving as many CLAT Sample Papers as possible and that too within the fixed Time limit. This will help you in getting clear picture of your CLAT preparation. This will also help you to control your nervousness when you see the actual CLAT paper

Reading Carelessly: Right from school days, many of us have the habit of cramming up everything. Rote-learning is injurious. The questions appearing in the CLAT exam are indirect and rephrased. Hardly 2-3 questions are asked directly from the previous year papers. You can envisage your nervous state during the exam. Therefore, avoid mugging up lessons and develop a perspective for every topic that is included in the syllabus. Always try to understand what you are reading. Ask as many questions as you can to your mentors and teachers. Always clear your doubts. Don’t let this affect your CLAT score.

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Frequently Asked Questions

CLAT 2025 will be conducted in December 2025 tentatively

Yes, with proper preparation plan and strategy you can definitely appear for my 12th boards and CLAT 2025 simultaneously

Mistakes such as not giving mock test, reading carelessly should be avoided to manage Boards And CLAT Preparation 2025

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