
Best Way To Prepare For CLAT Current Affairs 2024

Best Way To Prepare For CLAT Current Affairs

CLAT Current Affairs : What Is The Best Way To Prepare for CLAT GK

Ways To Prepare For CLAT Gk: –

In a CLAT examination there are 150 questions. CLAT exam includes 35-39 questions in General Knowledge section which includes Static GK and Current Affairs. It is a crucial section as it helps in saving time during the examination. You can utilize this and allocate the time to other section during the examination. CLAT Current affairs essentially include major happening out in the mainstream media over a year. In case of Static GK it can comes from any sphere of life. The target should at least be 30 out of 39 questions.

Looking at last 5 years the coverage of Current Affairs in the GK Section of CLAT has been increasing year on year. The major topics covered were international news, government & politics, sports, science & technology. Legal GK is covered a lot in the Legal Aptitude sections.

At least devote 1 hour of your day for GK. Earlier you may take more time to read but when gradually it won’t need more than an hour. Most of the student feel they are familiar with the topic but don’t recollect the answer. For this they need to revise regularly at least spend 20 to 30 minutes to go through previous notes.

Just Reading GK randomly is not the solution, One needs to have regular notes which would help him read and revise GK thoroughly.

More importantly don’t try to read GK before going to sleep or class. Preferable time to study is when you wake up in the morning or after a break from studies because you are fresh and it will help you to understand and remember it in a better way.

What you are reading is the key:

Just Randomly reading Newspapers is not the solution to Preparing for your CLAT Current Affairs, It needs to be structured like any other subject. It may be boring and tedious at times but on serious mode it will helpful during your exams. Try noting down major happening from the news paper in a book so, you can revise two three days prior to your CLAT exam.

Prepare online and register for quizzes :

Great way to prepare for GK in limited time is to use structured notes and attempt regular quizzes specifically for CLAT. Even if you don’t know the answer you will learn something. Through participation you can evaluate yourself and later modify your study plan accordingly.

Learn GK the NewsCanvass Way:

This section create havoc for the student if they don’t follow some basic rules while giving mock test or actual examination. Remember this section needs to be completed in 10 minutes and should spend more time on the same. Usually most of the students get stuck in GK when they don’t know the answer or they are unable to recollect the same. They spend too much time trying to recollect the answer. In GK its clear you either know the answer or you don’t know it. If you remember the answer you should quickly mark the answer. If you don’t know the answer you need to decide fast whether to answer or not. So, now how do you do this? You can do this by using the NewsCanvass GK strategy.

Newscanvass GK stratergy = Read + Revise + Read New + Revise Old Confusing?

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